
Global real estate market news: January 2024

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The main topics on the agenda:

  • Greek golden visa was the world’s most popular in 2023. By the end of November, Greece had received an all-time record of 7,752 applications for obtaining a residence permit – already 78% more than in the whole year of 2022.
  • The new rules for short-term rentals in Turkey. The new regulations on daily accommodation rentals for tourism purposes have come into force on Jan. 1, 2024.  We have prepared an overview of the main requirements.
  • Bulgaria joins Schengen. Romania and Bulgaria have reached an agreement with Austria to join the European Schengen area of free movement by sea and air from  March 2024. The question of the opening of land borders has yet been postponed. It is interesting how joining Schengen will affect the real estate market of these countries.
  • 2023 promises to have been the most productive year on the real estate market of Cyprus. The number of property sales in Cyprus in 2023 has reached the highest level in 15 years. 

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Tags: Market Analysis, Immigration, Investment, Rent, Real Estate, Immigration programs, Cheap property, Residence permit and citizenship

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