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Immigration to Montenegro

Interesting to read

How does the new law "On Foreigners" work in Serbia: a step-by-step instruction for immigration through obtaining a property

At the end of July, after a long debate, the Serbian Parliament has...

  • 50

The prices for new dwellings in Montenegro continue to rise

A rapid increase has been recorded compared to the figures from a...

  • 17

Serbia has simplified obtaining a residence permit and citizenship

Serbia has approved amendments to the Law on Foreigners and the Law...

  • 52

Montenegro's real estate market is booming due to strong demand

Recovering domestic and foreign demand, improving construction...

  • 148

Best Citizenship by Investment Programs in 2021

Investment citizenship programs have been around for 30 years and they are very popular. However,...

  • 21.12.2020
  • 37

Real Estate in Montenegro. Overview of Cities for Permanent Residence

Digital nomads are new to this destination. However, Montenegro has every chance to become...

  • 02.11.2020
  • 24

Residence Permit by Real Estate Purchase. 27 Countries

Previosly, we discussed the rules of getting a residence permit in different countries. Some...

  • 07.09.2020
  • 766

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