
Germany to Simplify the Rules for Obtaining Citizenship by Foreigners

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The German Federal Government has unveiled its plans to introduce new changes to its immigration laws, among other things, to make it easier for foreigners to obtain citizenship.

The Federal Government of Germany has unveiled its plans to introduce new changes to its immigration laws to make it easier for foreigners to obtain citizenship.

Details. A statement released by Interior Ministry stresses that the government is paving the way for the most modern immigration law that has been in the country, and adds that the new changes are a strong signal for the future of the German economy and the labor market.

Quote. "Now we are using the opportunity to create modern immigration legislation to make it easier for foreign skilled workers to come to Germany. This is urgently needed. The coronavirus crisis has caused a shortage of staff in many areas of industry, from qualified specialists to nurses. We want qualified workers to be able to come to Germany quickly and get started quickly," Federal Minister of the Interior and Interior Nancy Faeser said in this regard.

The minister further said that the ministry plans to abolish all bureaucratic barriers, adding that if people have personal potential and professional experience, the doors in Germany will be open.

What else? German Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil believes that the new Law on the Immigration of Qualified Professionals helps to ensure the necessary progress in providing skilled workers while emphasizing that the country offers new easier ways to get to the country for work.

Heil said that Germany's goal, among other things, is to introduce the most modern immigration legislation in Europe so that everyone can benefit.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock said that Germany must make progress in the immigration of skilled workers to realize the hopes of many people who want to settle in Germany.

Quote. "And we want to make administrative procedures more transparent, digitize them and speed them up. Because one thing is clear: we are competing with other countries of the world for skilled workers. So we have to make them a tempting offer. This also includes making immigration more convenient for families," said Federal Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck.

The minister added that the growing shortage of workers in many industries continues to hinder the economic development of Germany.

Source: Schengen Visa Info
Photo by Maheshkumar Painam on Unsplash

Also read: How to Find to Get a Job and How Much You Can Earn

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Tags: Germany, Market Analysis, Immigration programs, Immigration

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