
More than 1 mln property owners in Greece will be exempted from paying the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) this year

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The average ENFIA tax payment decreased by 31% from €489 in 2018 to €368 in 2023.

What has happened? Over a million property owners will be exempted from paying the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) this year. A total of 7.2 million people own property in Greece. Thus, 14% of owners will be exempt from paying the tax.

The reasons. Owners of small properties, large families, people with severe disabilities with annual income below €12,000-15,000 (depending on marital/family status, or those who live in areas affected by natural disasters are exempt from paying the tax.

Statistics. The data from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) also shows that compared to 2018, there are 171,703 fewer people that will need to pay ENFIA in 2023.

The average ENFIA payment fell by 31% from €489 in 2018 to €368 in 2023, while the amount of assets used to calculate the property tax rose from €600 billion in 2018 to €769.4 billion in 2023.

Regions. The property tax fell the most in Western Greece overall (from €345 to €234 on average, or a drop of 32.1%) and in Western Macedonia (from €308 to €210 on average, or a drop of 31.8%). Тhe most populous region of Attica is leading in ENFIA payments in Greece, with over 50% of the country’s total (from €671 to €540).

Please read also: Property owners in Greece have received their tax bills for 2023

Source: Ekathimerini

Photo by Mauricio Muñoz on Unsplash


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