
The Investment Volume of Student Housing in Europe Soared by 130%

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Investors put €11.7 billion in this segment in the first three quarters of 2022. This is 130% more than in the corresponding period last year.

Savills has published the European Student Housing 2022 report on the development of the Student housing Market (PBSA) in Europe in 2022.

Key facts:

  • In the first three quarters of 2022, investors invested €11.7 billion in this segment. This is 130% more than in the corresponding period last year.
  • The average annual return on student housing in Europe is 4.15%. It varies from 3.5% in Copenhagen to 6% in Seville. The profitability of the facilities remained stable for 12 months.
  • Growing demand and limited supply have spurred the growth of the rental market across Europe. The strongest jump in the last 12 months was registered in Poland. Thus, in Warsaw, the rental sector grew by 22%.
  • There has been an increase in the number of international students in most European markets over the past year. It turned out to be the most significant in the Netherlands (+11%).
  • The generation of young people in Europe is expected to increase by 302,000 by 2027. The following cities will lead in this indicator: Barcelona (+2.3%), Madrid (+2%), Valencia (+1.5%), Malaga (+1.4%), Dublin (+1.3%), Lisbon and Milan (+1.1% each).
  • Currently, the cities with the highest proportion of student-age population include Copenhagen (21.8%), Manchester (18.4%), London (17.8%), Amsterdam (16.1%) and Munich (14.9%), Cologne (14.7%). Lyon (14.2%) and Dublin (14.1%), while the lowest share (below 10%) falls on Polish cities, as well as Rome and Prague.
Also read: How to Make Money on the UK Real Estate

Source: Savills
Photo by Kyle Gregory Devaras on Unsplash

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Tags: Spain, Investment, Rent

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