
The Most Crypto-Friendly Countries in the World

  • 41
The top-3 are Germany, Singapore, and the USA.

The aggregator of cryptocurrency exchanges Coincub has prepared a rating of the most cryptocurrency-friendly countries in the world.

The ranking is based on nine general criteria (including government strategy, taxation, and financial services) and 21 subcategories, ranging from the number of recognized cryptography training courses to startups. Each country receives a certain number of points for these categories, which are then summed up.

TOP 10 most cryptocurrency-friendly countries in the world:

  1. Germany
  2. Singapore
  3. USA
  4. Australia
  5. Switzerland
  6. Hong Kong
  7. Netherlands
  8. France
  9. Canada
  10. Japan

Key facts: 

  • Germany has a positive attitude towards cryptocurrency trading and investment. The country has the largest number of bitcoin nodes in the world, besides the USA. This year, the Federal Financial Supervision Authority issued a license to the German division of Coinbase to store cryptocurrencies. German stock market operator Deutsche Boerse has also placed more than 20 cryptocurrency exchange products on its digital exchange Xetra. Sparkasse Savings Bank, exploring the offer of wallets for cryptocurrency trading, is a huge step toward institutional recognition.
  • Russia took 20th place in the ranking, Ukraine - the 29th.
  • The top five countries with the most favorable tax regime for cryptocurrencies include Hungary, Cyprus, Nigeria, Malta, and El Salvador.
Also read: Portugal Tightens the Rules for Buying Real Estate for Cryptocurrency

Source: Coincub 

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