
The UK Introduces New Restrictive Measures

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The obligatory mask regime, restrictions on public events, and distant work schedule will resume.

What happened? At the end of November, the government took swift measures to slow down the spread of a new strain of the Omicron coronavirus. Currently, 568 cases of infection with this virus have been confirmed in the UK, and a preliminary analysis conducted by the Health Safety Agency suggests that the results may double in just 2.5-3 days.

Given the rapid increase in the number of cases, the Prime Minister confirmed the entry into force of the measures described in Plan B, which was outlined in September. The main focus will be on slowing down the spread of the strain and reducing the likelihood that the National Health Service will be under unbearable pressure.


  • The National Health Service (NHS) has confirmed the expansion of the revaccination program, and now the National Reservation Service is open for reservations for anyone over the age of 40. The interval between revaccination was also reduced from six to three months.
  • The government also intends to introduce daily contact tests for people who have been in contact with infected people, instead of ten days of self-isolation. The test is planned to be used every time before contact with a large number of people or with those who are at the greatest risk of infection. The testing devices remain free of charge and can be obtained from local pharmacies.
  • Since December 10, the wearing of masks has become mandatory in most closed public places, such as cinemas, theaters, and other entertainment venues. Exceptions will be for places where it is impractical to wear a mask, for example, during meals or sports.
  • From December 13, those who can be recommended to work from home.
  • From December 15, and subject to parliamentary approval, the NHS Covid Pass in the NHS app will become mandatory for entering nightclubs and places where a large number of people gather. Including indoor events with 500 or more people, outdoor events without seats with more than four thousand people, and any other events for ten thousand people or more. Through the app, people will be able to confirm the presence of two doses of the vaccine or a negative test result.

The Parliament will discuss further measures and vote on December 14. The rules expire six weeks after they are put into effect, with the possibility of revision in three weeks.

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Reaction. The heads of hospitality and retail enterprises are concerned about the consequences of the introduction of Plan B and call for the resumption of state support. A particularly strong blow was the recommendation to work from home, especially for central London, when attendance began to improve after a significant drop in the City and West End.

Quote. Helen Brocklebank, executive director of the Walpole Luxury Goods Trade Association, said: "Of course, public safety is of paramount importance. But the new rules for working from home will mean that there will be fewer people in shops, bars, and restaurants. This will slow down our recovery. Orders for corporate parties and large feasts in restaurants on the eve of Christmas have been canceled several times since Omicron hit the headlines.

Therefore, the government must balance the duration of the new restrictions with public safety and the impact on our economy, which has already suffered greatly."

Ros Morgan, Chief Executive of the Heart of London Business Alliance, which represents more than 600 businesses in the West End, has said: "The resumption of restrictions, especially work from home, will cost businesses very dearly, especially in the hospitality and retail sectors. If the government goes down this path, it will need to provide support to the affected enterprises."

Source: GOV.UK
Photo: pexels.xom

Quoting conditions of Prian.info materials

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