
Global real estate market news: April 2024

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This episode is dedicated to the shifting landscape of immigration policies, focusing on opportunities that are emerging, diminishing, and those that are just beginning to open up.

Key topics:

  •  Spain is closing its golden visa program but is considering to come up with alternative options.  The official date of closure has not been announced. According to many experts, this should happen at the end of 2024, but the law has not been signed yet. So, if you were planning to take part in the program, it is better not to delay your decision.
  •  Cyprus is fighting for qualified personnel and promises to issue passports within 3 years. In April 2024, the Ministry of Interior has published amendments to the  Population Registry Law of 2023. According to these changes, qualified professionals will be able to obtain a passport after three years of residence in the country.
  • Europe is going to streamline legal migration for qualified professionals. The European Council has approved a revised version of the Directive concerning a single work and residence permit for citizens of third countries.

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Tags: Immigration, Real Estate, Immigration programs, Work abroad

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