Por el momento empresa İKY GROUP ALANYA no publica ofertas inmobiliarias en el portal. Puede utilizar el Catálogo de agencias inmobiliarias para buscar empresas o servicios que le interesen.

Acerca de la empresa İKY GROUP ALANYA

IKY GROUP ALANYA is a Turkish construction company working in Alanya since 2017. As for today we have 10 projects complete and more that 15 active projects in Alanya. We meet high quality standards for construction and materials, strictly following the technical requirements of Turkish legislation. IKY GROUP provides legal support for the transaction, the possibility to get the property remotely, registration of the ownership right after full payment during the construction period, as well as assistance in the sale of the investment project. Our company takes care of its investors by providing after-sales service and maintenance of the property. All projects of IKY GROUP have high cadastral value which allows to obtain a residence permit or Turkish citizenship.