FAM Properties

Por el momento empresa FAM Properties no publica ofertas inmobiliarias en el portal. Puede utilizar el Catálogo de agencias inmobiliarias para buscar empresas o servicios que le interesen.
Huge database of properties
Carefully selected properties database, with all legal due diligence on place
Payment for result only
All consultancies and services are provided with no fees upfront. You pay only success fee.
Save your time
We will take care of all hassle so you do not waste your time.
Property for bitcoin
Will help you to buy property with bitcoin at maximum exchange rate by following all norms and regulations.

Acerca de la empresa FAM Properties

We are a tech-driven real estate agency and assist value-seeking investors, landlords, and tenants achieve superior results by offering guidance that is based on both integrity and solid market fundamentals. As a member of the fäm Group and with annual revenues in excess of AED 1.8 Billion, fäm Properties is one of UAE’s leading real estate companies.
We are focused on providing objective, real-time insight to our clients. At the same time, rather than being a generalist, we focus into key regions in the UAE, giving our agents even deeper focus and insight. This combination of technology and human intelligence gives our clients an unparalleled ability to make better decisions faster.
Better technology. Better values. It’s our approach that has proven to deliver better results