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We are working for you !!!!
How many people dream of meeting sunrises and seeing off sunsets on the shores of the azure sea?
To the sound...

Acerca de la empresa BobaHomes

BOBAHOMES LTD ŞTİ is a registred and licensed real estate and construction company based in Alanya, on the Turkish Riviera. Company are managed by Osman Barak and Daniel Westvang Andreassen
Our company is a partner of Norwegian Company.

Bobahomes was first established in 2005. We have been providing real estate services for 15 years in Alanya Oba region. Our customers are mainly Scandinavians and Europeans.

Osman’s place Restaurant cafe bar and sea star residence poolside lounge restaurant, has been serving our valuable customers since 2010 within our company.

Our honest, solid, principled trade in the real estate and food and beverage sectors has provided us with long-term business relationships and this has always carried us forward.

The only mission of our company to be a reliable brand. We are always innovating to offer the best on that mission.

Nowadays, we are working on the necessary infrastructure to provide our customers with online service.

Our services include home renovation. Especially kitchen projects, bathroom infrastructures. We take renovations such as plaster ceiling, paint, bathroom balcony and make them in the most suitable hands.

Also we are giving home services and maintenance services to our customers as after sales.

We can search apartments, villas, or any kind of real estate according to the request and find an apartment according to customer request in Alanya and Antalya region, We have working with many partners around Mediterranean coast.