À propos de la société GARANT IN

The company GARANT IN has been operating since 2009, and to date, it has successfully handled 295 cases for citizenship applications and 571 cases for residence permits/permanent residency in EU countries, the Caribbean Islands. The company offers individual support for each client and premium service.

The company's experts provide:

✅ Residence permit applications in EU countries

✅ Citizenship applications in EU countries and the Caribbean

Additional services offered by GARANT IN include:

  • Opening bank accounts

  • Company registration

  • Driver's license issuance

  • Selection of schools/universities for children

The main advantages of obtaining second citizenship or residency are:

✅ Your safety in unstable situations

✅ Freedom of movement

✅ Access to legal protection from the country providing residence permits/citizenship

✅ Safe storage of funds in EU banks