Denis Chernov


About the author

Born in Leningrad, he graduated from SPBGMTU in 2010 with a degree in computing machines, systems, and networks, with an in-depth study of higher mathematics. Additionally, he studied marketing and the basis of economics.

Since 2008, he has been working in sales and marketing, and since 2012  he works in real estate. He is a Candidate for Master of Sports in chess.

Since 2017, he lives and works in Phuket, and cooperates with foreign agencies and provides support to Russian- and English-speaking buyers. Specializes in developing investment strategies, risk assessment and forecasting market prospects. Clients include representatives of private businesses, the oil and gas industry, and small investment funds.

He is fluent in English. Also speaks Italian, Spanish, and Chinese.


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Specialized in

Italy, Thailand

Expert in topics

Investment Real Estate