
Global real estate market news: March 2024

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⚡ Check out our recent video news-block about the main events on global property markets from prian.info

We are excited to present the first episode in Spring 2024

The main topics of this news-release:

  • Italy is ready to welcome “digital nomads”.

The country has been figuring out the conditions for hosting skilled individuals who can work remotely for the last 2 years.

While the local Parliament hasn't passed the law in its final form yet, they have discussed the details and revealed the main provisions for the new program.

  • Greece has confirmed tightening the conditions of the  popular “Golden Visa” program

Greece will establish three different investment thresholds and introduce restrictions on short-term rentals for the properties under the “Golden Visa” program

‼️ Update: the date when the new rules of the program come into effect was changed and this became known after shooting the video.

The new rules come into force on March 31, and there is no time left! So the Greek government has introduced a “transition period” until the end of the year.

  • The downturns in the real estate markets of France are beneficial to buyers.

The Federation of Real Estate Agents has issued a report about the current situation in the local market. The main highlight is the drop of sales in 2023. As the number of transactions decreases, the prices begin to decline as well. However, for those looking to purchase a property in France right now, the situation isn’t that bad.

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Tags: Greece, Italy, France, Market Analysis, Residence permit and citizenship, Immigration, Investment, Life abroad, Real Estate, Events

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