Alexei Kovalenko


About the author

A graduate of the Law Faculty of an Israeli university, he immigrated to Israel in 1999. He has a track record of successful cases in areas of immigration law, material claims, damages and debt collection, administrative law, commercial and criminal law (mainly economic crimes).

Holds the position of the Chairman of the commissions for relations with the bar associations of the former USSR-CIS countries in the Israeli Chamber of Lawyers (on immigration law and integration of new immigrants).

Alexei Kovalenko is the managing partner of the largest Russian-speaking lawyer's office in Israel "Kovalenko-Zernopolsky". The law office provides legal assistance in such areas of law as immigration, commercial, tax, as well as accompanies transactions with residential and commercial real estate. In 2018, due to an increase in the flow of immigrants to Israel and demand for housing, the Kovalenko-Zernopolsky Law Office opened a division specializing in the sale of residential and commercial real estate. In 2020, the Kovalenko-Zernopolsky Law Office & Notary became the official representative of the Israeli developer Gindi Tlv in Russia.


Specialized in

Belarus, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine

Expert in topics

Immigration Taxes and fees Immigration programs Work abroad Buying procedure

Publications of the author (1):

11.11.2020 38 How Real Estate Transactions Work in Israel