Akar Real Estate

Por el momento empresa Akar Real Estate no publica ofertas inmobiliarias en el portal. Puede utilizar el Catálogo de agencias inmobiliarias para buscar empresas o servicios que le interesen.

Vídeo de la empresa (1)

Acerca de la empresa Akar Real Estate

Real estate agency in Hurghada AKAR.

License: 42582

Foundation of the company: 2008

Services sector:

-Sale real estate in Hurghada

-Lease management

-Legal support of the transaction



For the clients of the company, the service "Tour of the Smart Buyer" is available:

-transfer from Hurghada airport;

- housing for living (choice of housing at the discretion of the Agency) for up to 7 days;

-transfer to Hurghada airport.

The agency specializes in, among other things, remote (on-line) sales.

Video reviews on our YouTube channel.