
The Canary Islands will regulate short-term rentals

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Now this autonomous community is among the TOP 5 largest regions in Spain for the supply of tourist accommodation.

What has happened? In the coming months, the Ministry of Tourism and Employment of the Canary Islands intends to develop and approve a law that will regulate the tourist use of accommodation and create a legal basis for short-term rentals.

Details. The news was confirmed by a member of the Canary Islands regional parliament, Jéssica de León, who explained that this initiative will be coordinated between the various departments of the autonomous government.

De León appeared in the plenary session of Parliament at the request of the People's Group (del Grupo Popular) to explain the situation regarding the rules of vacation rentals in the islands, a phenomenon that she stressed has undergone a "noticeable increase in supply."

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE) for 2023, short-term rental housing already accounts for 33% of the total residential property supply on the islands, with more than 42,000 homes and 179,000 beds. It is the fourth autonomous community with the largest number of apartments available for rent to tourists, after Andalusia, the Valencian Community and Catalonia.

Quote. “These figures make the Canary Islands the second autonomous community with the highest percentage of tourist accommodation in Spain after the Balearic Islands,” said De Leon, expressing concern about the growth that has occurred in municipalities such as La Oliva (Fuerteventura) or Yaiza (Lanzarote) ), where 30.78% and 17.68% of apartments are used for tourist rentals, respectively.

Why is this necessary? According to the consultant, despite this increase in supply, which has created tension in the housing market, holiday rentals in the Canary Islands are still regulated by Decree 113/2015, a regulation that is more than eight years old and has a “very limited” content.

Moreover, De Leon stated that the decree did not provide for any planning — neither touristic, nor urban, nor territorial — and the conditions it imposed were “minimal,” without distinguishing categories, modalities, or any other qualitative standards. At the same time, the decrees and laws regulating tourism activities in the Canary Islands as a whole are from eight to 27 years old.

Context. This initiative will make the Canary Islands the second autonomous community in Spain to regulate this type of accommodation by law, after the Balearic Islands, since in the rest of the country it is prescribed in standard regulation.

Please read also: Spanish registrars have revealed the housing prices and foreign demand in the second quarter of 2023

Source: Idealista

Photo by Hanna on Unsplash

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